
Our mission is to produce games/art for the cryptoscene with the highest reliability and satisfaction rate both for customers and users.


We want to generate happiness by focusing on the quality of our products and adressing all wishes of our customers.


We as gamers and artists believe fun and flexibility leads to the fulfillment of all peoples happiness.

Forge Universe

The all in house solution for the game and art development in the cryptosphere!

The Idea

Our dream and goal is to be the first all in one service provider worldwide for crypto projects.

Our Services

Games Development

Games, NFT and crypto based gaming.

NFT Full Service

Our Studio has excessive experience with creating NFTs of all kind.

Design and Branding

Visual communication is one of our key pillar of successful project.

Web3 Development

Smoothly working Dapp with professional and usable design!

Game Studio

Games Development

Thanks to experienced and not overgrown but comprehensive enough team, GAMES STUDIO can offer best Price/Quality ratio of following game development services:

– Mobile Games Development
– NFT and Crypto based Gaming
– On-chain Minigames
– HTML5 Games

Development Studio

PROJECTS sometimes have the need for special developments as well as our own departments.

Our DEVELOPMENT STUDIO will provide new software and create/assist any project: General Development and Community Projects.

The Studio works continuously on its own projects and/or requests from other departments and/or clients.

The development Studio can transform your Ideas into Reality!
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